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I am seeking your support to Hamilton County and Clay Township as a delegate at the Indiana State Republican Convention in 2024. As a  committed member of our Republican community, I am deeply invested in ensuring our values and voices are represented on the state level. In 2024 the delegates at convention will select our next Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General. 

Why I Am Running:

We leadership that not only understands our values but also actively works to protect and promote them. As a lifelong Republican, I have consistently advocated for conservative principles, including fiscal responsibility and limited government. Our community deserves leadership that not only understands our unique challenges but also possesses the determination to address them effectively within our party and beyond. My professional background as an attorney and leadership experience equips me with the insight needed to evaluate the capabilities and readiness of potential candidates for these pivotal roles.

My Commitment to You:

  • Unwavering Presence: I promise to remain engaged throughout the entire convention, ensuring that no vote that shapes our future is cast without our voice.  In past conventions, some delegates left early, missing crucial votes. This is not the representation you deserve. I pledge to stay until the final vote, ensuring that every decision made reflects our best interests.
  • Principled Leadership: I will advocate fiercely for candidates who are dedicated to our constitutional rights, fiscal conservatism, and the principle of limited government.
  • Informed Decision-Making: With a strong background in law, I will bring a critical eye to candidate evaluations, supporting those who best align with our Republican principles and our state's best interest.
  • Active Engagement: I will maintain open communication with you, our community, about the proceedings and decisions at the convention, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Thank you,


Stephanie Flittner

Paid for by Stephanie Flittner for Carmel. Use of job titles in paid and volunteer roles does not imply an endorsement by any organization.

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